沅钽精密股份有限公司 412 台中市大里区国光路二段500号5F-3 04-2482-4792 04-2221-0256 ywliu@utp.url.tw 台湾北部, 台湾中部, 台湾南部, 台湾东部, 港澳, 大陆, 东南亚
http://www.utp.url.tw/images/corpimg.png http://www.utp.url.tw/images/corpimg.png
http://www.utp.url.tw/images/corpimg.png http://www.utp.url.tw/images/corpimg.png 沅钽精密股份有限公司
http://www.utp.url.tw/ 沅钽精密股份有限公司

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U-Tan Precision Co. Ltd.

      "沅钽精密股份有限公司”於2011年2月创立於台南市, 主要协助客户导入自动化生产系统中关键制程参数之设计开发. 本公司也持续开发出一系列“EasyU-小帮手”工具软体, 以最简易上手的软体界面, 协助产品或制程开发人员能够快速地分析出产品异常点与失效模式之鉴别. 帮助客户提升研发及改善能力, 增加企业在业界的兢争力, 藉由我们的专业知识及服务, 为我们的客户创造价值.

       因此, 我们的使命: “化繁为简, 提高效率, 创造价值”; 帮助客户在最短时间内掌握到各项关键技术, 提升研发创造力, 实现附加价值最大化. 实现世界华人企业标竿的目标.

     The U-TAN PRECISION CO.LTD. is a provider of professional consultant and training services of R & D Project. Since our foundation in Tainan, Taiwan in Feb, 2011, we have been providing professional service of R&D problems solution for our clients. Our service is designed for the clients of R&D units which are small and Medium Enterprises or no more serious training of R&D analysis. We can provide the professional service to upgrade and improve the analysis and application abilities of R&D units on the practical working. We also developed a series of “EasyU-” software for professional R&D member to use and apply quickly. Clients can increase business competitiveness in the industry through our service and we can create value for our clients through our expertise.
     Our mission is: “Easy, Efficiency and Value”. We can help customers grasp the essence of the professional knowledge, increase R&D creativity, and achieve maximum added value in the shortest time.

服务内容: 自动化系统失效模式分析与预防系统建立,云端大数据分析系统建立,自动化设备关键制程参数分析,工业4.0专案服务,机械加工零组件设计制造,iCloud,Big Data Analysis,Industry 4.0 Service

主要服务地区:台湾北部, 台湾中部, 台湾南部, 台湾东部, 港澳, 大陆, 东南亚